Room For Obsessions

Part of Summer Camp 24 Rote Fabrik

Step into artists’ studio and observe. Witness the raw, unfiltered and obsessive acts of creation. Be present. Join.

During the Room for Obsessions event, visitors are invited to look, create, perform, and collaborate. This event is about human connection and art as experience beyond language.

After the performative part, the artists will engage in an open discussion, sharing their thoughts on the experience of the collaborative pop-up open studio with the visitors.

Photo credit: Markus Lofcea

Photo credit: Markus Lofcea

Photo credit: Markus Lofcea

Photo credit: Markus Lofcea

Photo credit: Markus Lofcea

Photo credit: Markus Lofcea

Repair The Existence

“Repair The Existence” is part of the < Mending As A Manner > Sieries which I started few years ago. By using the core concept of Sashiko known as a traditional Japanese mending technic, once the fruits been eaten, their shells will be carefully mended back into its original/ initial shape with red thread, and then air dried. The traces of mending is visible as a scar, as prove of the past and the impermanent nature of being. The act of mending symbolizes care, as well as resilience and the ability to overcome damages.

Photo credit: Laura Curatolo

Photo credit: Paulina Resendiz

Photo credit: Ying Xu

Photo credit: Ying Xu

Copyright 2023 Ying Xu   Impressum I Datenschutzerklaerung I Switzerland