
を繕う、〜を直すliterally means repair / fix something. In Japan there are two traditional art of repairing known as Kintsugi and Sashiko, these two ways of celebrate the impermanence and the beauty of the aged and weathered had greatly infuluenced my phylosophy of living and seeing things. It taught me to respect the history and the flaws of the brocken objects, acknowledging its existence rather than discarding it. The Mending process itself is symbolic of transformation and growth, it demonstrates how something brocken can be whole again are often more unique due to its ' scars'.  

In this series ,organic objects are used as a methaphorical form, by  trying to keep the used / brocken objects stays in it's original form , or reconstruct it into a new form, the well-intentioned action of 'Mending' may sometimes became contraditional, together with the intangible time, which is a external factor and coercive force that given to the objects, it changes the objects, both in its shapes or physical surroundins. In an other way to say, the nature of the objects makes the invisible visible.







IRRITATION - eine maximale ästhetische Verwirrung

FATart Art Fair

The Restricted Nature- I   

Day 1

Orchideen, rote Faden, 2019

Day 3

Orchideen, rote Faden, 2019

   Day 26  

Orchideen, rote Faden, 2019

The Restricted Nature - II   

Day 1

Blume, rote Faden, 2019

 Day 2

Blume, rote Faden, 2019

The Restricted Nature - III

Orchideen, rote Faden, 2020

The Restricted nature - III

Orchideen, rote Faden, 2020

I Am In You    

Orchideen, rote Faden, 2020

Wo und - Wound 

Grüne Anthurie, rote Faden,2022  

Wo und - Wound   

Grüne Anthurie, rote Faden,2022  

Wo und - Wound 

Grüne Anthurie, rote Faden, 2022

With out - Without   

Day 19

With out - Without   

Day 218

Rosa Anthurien, rote Faden, 2021  


" When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. "

                           — Georgia O' Keefe


Plastic Surgery-I

Avocado Haut, rote Faden,2021

Plastic Surgery-III   

Avocado Haut, rote Faden, 2022

Plastic Surgery-I   

Feige , rote Faden, 2020


There is no two scars are identical, neither are the stories behind them. Everyone goes through tough times, everyone has trauma, nature isn’t perfect and neither are we, the opposites complement each other as part of a process that flows and makes become one into another. As it happens with our bodies, a scar is a reminder of an experience, a story that, instead of being hidden, should be known and embrace because it adds value to the object, making it unique.  

SCAR - I    2021

Ceverlat Haut, rote Faden

SCAR - II    2021

Ceverlat Haut, rote Faden

Since I've started my mending projects, I started to observing things in different ways, to pay a greater attention to the very modest and imperfect objects, to see the beauty of it. To accept and to appreciate it's own state, and to rethink about myself.

“合”(hé)in the Chinese traditional cultural , it symbolizes reunion, happiness and togetherness. Can embroidering the word "合" on a cut and eaten tangerine change its already damaged nature?

Mending - keeping    2021

Mandarine , rote Faden

Mending - keeping    2021

Mandarine , rote Faden

Mending on the move

I created this work during the time when I and my family visited São Tomé and Príncipe, Africa. The exotic flower Etlingeria Elatior( also called Porcelain Rose) is the symbol of the country, it is commonly found in the forest, and popular for decoration, but for me, it has something more than just a decoration. Surounded by the infinite vitality of nature, watching the flowers blooming and fading, suddenly I felt an inexpicable sadness. 

A desire of protecting and sealing up that kind of beauty and frangibility arised, I carefully stitched up the petals and kept it until the last day of our trip, then I gently unravel the stitched petals and open it one by one, it returned to the state colse to the beginning. 



2019,São Tomé und Príncipe

Blume, Blauer Faden

Copyright 2023 Ying Xu   Impressum I Datenschutzerklaerung I Switzerland